curriculum vitae
Ph.D. (2014)
Boston University, Department of Archaeology
Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, concentration in the Archaeology of the Roman Provinces
Dissertation title:
“The Maintenance of Empire: The Roman Army in the Negev from the 1st – 7th Centuries CE”
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Andrea Berlin; Graduate Coursework Advisor: Dr. James Wiseman
Research Interests: Classical Archaeology, Roman Provinces, Digital Humanities, Coastal Archaeology, Roman Economy and Trade, Ceramics, Roman Army, Greek and Roman Mystery Cults.
Bachelor of Arts (2003)
The George Washington University
Archaeology and Classical Studies (double major), Anthropology (minor)
2017—current Brandeis University, Department of Classical Studies
Lecturer Undergraduate/graduate - Hellenistic Art & Archaeology; Archaeology of the Holy
Land; The Bronze Age Mediterranean: Greece, Egypt, and the Levant; Greek History;
Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece, Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome; Art
and Archaeology of the Roman Provinces; Ancient Technologies/Modern Innovations;
Archaeological Ethics, Law, and Cultural Heritage (undergraduate/graduate);
Graduate – Directing Research/Reading – Archaeology of the Eastern
Mediterranean (Persian – Byzantine Period); Graduate Proseminar (Archaeological
Theory, Methods, and Cultural Heritage)
2017—2019 Boston University, Department of Archaeology
Lecturer Introduction to Greek & Roman Archaeology (multiple semesters); Mare Nostrum:
Material Culture and Individual Identity after Alexander; Great Discoveries in
Archaeology (undergraduate/graduate)
2016—2017 National Endowment for the Humanities, Albright Institute of
Postdoctoral Fellow Archaeological Research, Jerusalem, Israel
2014—2017 University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations
Instructor Scientific Writing and Communication – Haifa, Israel
2015—2017 University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Israel
Postdoctoral Fellow
2015—2017 Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology
Co-Lecturer Topics in Archaeology (continuing students)
2013—2015 Fulbright/The United States-Israel Educational Foundation,
Postdoctoral Fellow University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations, Israel
2011 – current Tel Kabri Field School, University of Haifa
Instructor Introduction to Archaeological Field Techniques and Methodologies - Tel Kabri, Israel
2010 Boston University, Department of Archaeology
Instructor Great Discoveries in Archaeology (AR 100) - Boston, MA
2005 Boston University, Department of Archaeology
Teaching Assistant Classical Archaeology (AR 230) - Boston, MA
2006–2008 Editor, ASOR Newsletter, American Schools of Oriental Research, Boston, MA
2006–2008 Meetings and Program Coordinator, American Schools of Oriental Research
Bull, R.J., Evans, J.D., Ratzlaff, A., Bobek, A., and Fritzius, R. 2016. The Joint Expedition to Caesarea Maritima Excavation Reports volume 1: The Mithraeum at Caesarea Maritima. The American Schools of Oriental Research, Excavation Reports Series 25. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Yasur-Landau, A., Cline, E.H., Koh, A.J., Ratzlaff, A., Goshen, N., Susnow, M., Wiman-Barak, P., and Crandall, A.M. The Wine Storage Complex at the Middle Bronze II Palace of Tel Kabri: Results of the 2013 and 2015 Seasons, American Journal of Archaeology 122.2 (2018).
Barkai, Ofra and Alexandra Ratzlaff. 2018. Tel Gador. Hadashot Arkheologiyot Excavations and Surveys in Israel 130.
Ratzlaff, Alexandra, Ehud Galili, Paula Waiman-Barak, and Assaf Yasur-Landau. Beyond Sebastos: the Plurality of Harbors at Caesarea. Journal of Maritime Archaeology Vol. 12 (2) 2017. Pp. 125-146.
Yasur-Landau, A. Cline, E. H., Koh, A. Ben Shlomo, D. Marom, N. Ratzlaff, A. and Samet, I. 2015. Rethinking Canaanite Palaces? The Palatial Economy of Tel Kabri during the Middle Bronze Age. Journal of Field Archaeology Vol. 40, no. 6. Pp. 607-625.
Ratzlaff, Alexandra and Ofra Barkai. “A Byzantine Basilica at Tel Afar, Israel” [In Final Preparation]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2020. “Tel Kabri: Area D-South 2/F, the 2009 & 2011 seasons”, In Kabri II: The 2005- 2011 Seasons, eds. Assaf Yasur-Landau and Eric Cline. Boston: Brill. [In Press: August 2020]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2020. “The Small Finds”, In Kabri II: The 2005-2011 Seasons, eds. Assaf Yasur-Landau and Eric Cline. Boston: Brill. [In Press: August 2020]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra and Nurith Goshen. 2020. “Tel Kabri: Area D-West, the 2005, 2008, and 2009 seasons”, In Kabri II: The 2005-2011 Seasons, eds. Assaf Yasur-Landau and Eric Cline. Boston: Brill. [In Pres: August 2020s]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra and Nurith Goshen. 2020. “Tel Kabri: Area D-North, the 2005 season”, In Kabri II: The 2005-2011 Seasons, eds. Assaf Yasur-Landau and Eric Cline. Boston: Brill. [In Press: August 2020]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2020. “A Local Amphorae Group at Byzantine Caesarea’s Harbor Complex” In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Late Roman Course Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, Agrigento, Sicily. May 24th – 28th, 2017. RLAMP (Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery) Archaeopress, Academic Archaeology Publishers. [Submitted - In Press]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2020. “The Art and Architecture of the Caesarea Mithraeum, Reconstructing Evidence for Cult Ritual”, In Archaeology of Mithraism: Conference Approaches (The Archaeology of Mithraism in the Roman Empire. New Finds and Perspectives Alba Iulia 26 – 28 October 2017). BABESCH Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology. Peeters Publishers, Leuven. [Submitted - In Press]
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2019. “The Effects of Empire on Daily Life in the Provincial East (37 BCE – 313 CE)”, In The Cambridge Social Archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean: Israel, Palestine, and Jordan, eds. Eric Cline, Yorke Rowan, and Assaf Yasur-Landau. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. 2015. “The Militaria and Small Finds”. In The Roman Fort at Yotvata: The Final Report (2003-2007), eds. Jodi Magness and Gwyn Davies. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.
Ratzlaff, Alexandra. “The Pottery from the Hellenistic Harbor at Akko” In The Excavations of the Hellenistic Harbor at Akko, Jacob Sharvit (ed). British Archaeological Reports Series [In Final Preparation]
2018 National Science Foundation, Innovation Corps Fellow
2017—2018 Faculty Forward Professional Development Grant, Brandeis University
2016—2017 National Endowment of the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship, Albright Institute of Archaeological
Research, Jerusalem, Israel.
2015—2016 University Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilization, Israel.
2015 Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel, Field and Laboratory Research Grant
2013—2015 Fulbright Post-Doctoral Award, United States-Israel Educational Foundation,
University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations
2011, 2009 Boston University, Department of Archaeology
Conference Travel Grant
2009 Education and Cultural Affairs Fellow, US Department of State, Albright Institute for Archaeological
Research, Jerusalem,Israel.
2008, 2007 American Schools of Oriental Research, Heritage and Platt Excavation Fellowships
2005 – 2006 Boston University, Department of Archaeology, Teaching Fellowship
“CLARC Objects from Ancient Daily Life in the First Century CE”, Close Looking Series, Brandeis University, March 11, 2020. [Invited]
“The Roman Cemetery at Tel Dor in Context”, to be presented at the Archaeological Institute of America Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2-5, 2020.
“New Developments in Digital Imaging for Archaeology” (poster) presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. November 20-12, 2019.
“Ceramics through the lens of Archaeology and New Technologies” presented to the Ceramics Program, Harvard University, October 11, 2019. [Invited]
“The Ceramic Assemblage from the Akko Hellenistic Harbor Excavations” presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. November 15-18, 2018.
“The Hellenistic and Roman Pottery from Area Z, Achziv” presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. November 15-18, 2017.
“The Caesarea Mithraeum” presented at The Archaeology of Mithraism: An International Colloquium, Alba Julia, Romania. October 26-28, 2017. [Invited]
“A Local Amphorae Group at Byzantine Caesarea’s Harbor Complex” presented at the Sixth International Conference on Late Roman Course Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, Agrigento, Sicily. May 24th – 28th, 2017.
“A New Byzantine Basilica at Tel ‘Afar, Israel” presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. November 16-19, 2016.
“Maritime Activities along the central Levantine coast in Late Antiquity” presented to the Department of Maritime Civilizations Seminar Series, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel. April 14th, 2015.
“Tel Kabri: Bridging Past and Present Excavations in Area DS2/F”, presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. November 20-23, 2013.
“The Roman Military Presence in the Negev from the 1st – 7th century C.E.: A Question of Grand Strategy”, presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. November 14-17, 2012.
“The Caesarea Mithraeum Interior: A Micro-Cosmos”, presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. November 16-19, 2011.
“Bridging the Gap between the Late Bronze Age and the Digital Age at Tel Kabri Israel”, presented at REVEAL: The Future of Excavation (Conference), Brown University, Providence, RI. May 6-8, 2011.
“A New Analysis of the Frescoes at the Caesarea Mithraeum”, presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. November 18-22, 2009.
“Maintaining the Empire: Archaeological Analysis of the Roman Military Presence in Judaea/Palaestina in the 1st- 6th centuries CE”, presented at the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, Jerusalem, Israel. May 5, 2009.
Krokodeilion (Tel Taninim) (2020)
Tel Kabri, Israel (2005 – present)
Directors: Eric Cline, Assaf Yasur-Landau, The George Washington University and University of Haifa
Associate Director and Director of Field School
Tel Dor, Israel (2016 – 2018)
Directors: Ilan Sharon, Aylet Gilboa, Assaf Yasur-Landau, and S. Rebecca Martin
Hebrew University, University of Haifa, and Boston University
Area Supervisor/Field Supervisor
Tel Dor Exploratory Salvage Excavation, Israel (February 2017)
Directors: Alexandra Ratzlaff and Dor Golan (Co-PIs on Permit)
Israel Antiquities Authority, University of Haifa
Survey of the Late Antique Levantine Coast, Israel (2014 – 2018)
Directors: Alexandra Ratzlaff and Ofra Barkai (Co-PIs on Permit) University of Haifa
Birsama Survey, Israel (2014)
Director: Gwyn Davies
Florida International University
Assistant Director
Tel Achziv, Israel (2012)
Directors: Assaf Yasur-Landau and Gwyn Davies
University of Haifa & Florida International University
Coastal Field Supervisor
Roman Fort of Yotvata, Israel (2004 – 2007)
Directors: Jodi Magness and Gwyn Davies
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Co-Area Supervisor for Area 4000 (2004)
Area Supervisor for Area 7000 (2005-2007)
Achill Island Field School, Ireland (2001)
Director: Teresa MacDonald
University of Galway, Ireland
Brandeis University, Department of Classical Studies
Helen Wong, 2019. BA Honors Thesis: Forming Kraters in Cyprus: A Petrographic and 3D Scanned Exploration of Iron Age Cypriot Ceramic Continuity. [Awarded Highest Honors]
Matthew Previto, 2019. MA Thesis: Three Case studies in Contact Spaces and Intersections in the Roman Military Vici. [Awarded Highest Honors]
Justin Soares, 2019. MA Thesis: The Extent of Eastern Influence: The Case for the Pre-colonization of Iberia [Awarded Highest Honors]
Katherine Riggs, 2019. MA Thesis: Cypriot Continuation Through the Crisis Years: an Analysis on Cypriot Ceramics
Scott Chase, 2018. MA Thesis: Slavery in Early Roman Palestine. [Awarded Highest Honors]
Erin Brantmayer, 2018. MA Thesis: Giving Up the Ghost: the Life and Death of Human Sacrificial Practices in Ancient Greece. [Awarded High Honors]
Rachel Polinsky, 2018. MA Thesis: Misidentification of Agrimi (Cretan Wild Goat) in Minoan and Mycenaean Art: A Case Study of the “Golden Ibex” of Akrotiri. [Awarded Highest Honors]
University of Haifa, Department of Maritime Civilizations
Nicole Constantine, Department of Maritime Civilizations. MA Thesis: Tableware from the Hellenistic Harbor at Akko. [Awarded High Honors]
Peri Buch, Department of Maritime Civilizations. MA Thesis: The Regional Plain Wares from the Hellenistic Harbor at Akko.
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Project Director, Brandeis Techne Group at Autodesk Technology Center Boston, 2018-present
Co-Director, Classical Studies Artifact Collection, 2018-present
University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Director, Ceramics Section – Coastal Archaeology and Underwater Survey Lab, 2015-2017
German (Reading/Speaking)
French (Reading)
Latin (Reading)
Archaeological Institute of America
Society for Classical Studies
American Schools of Oriental Research
Albright Institute for Archaeological Research
Dr. Andrea Berlin
James R. Wiseman Chair in Classical ArchaeologyBoston University
Department of Archaeology
675 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 347
Boston, MA 02215
Dr. Eric H. Cline
Professor of Classics and Anthropology
The George Washington University
Department of Classical and Near Eastern
Languages and Civilizations
335 Phillips Hall, 801 22nd St. NW
Washington D.C., 20052
Dr. Assaf Yasur-Landau
Senior Lecturer & Senior Researcher
University of Haifa
Department of Maritime Civilizations &
The Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies
Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
Dr. Joel Christensen
Chair, Associate Professor of Classical Studies
Brandeis University
Department of Classical Studies
Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for the
Humanities, 213